SAT Subject Tests in Literature by Barron


Updated to reflect the latest subject tests in literature, this manual presents two diagnostic tests and seven full-length practice tests. Students will also find:

  • A review of the seven literary elements that form the basis for the test
  • Materials to help strengthen critical reading skills, expand vocabulary, and learn the literary terms
  • Strategies to help you stay focused, overcome distractions and get the most out of the reading selections the first time
  • Puzzles and games designed to increase interest and improve working memory, which research shows can improve reading comprehension test scores

4 in stock



Updated to reflect the latest SAT subject tests in literature, this manual presents two diagnostic tests and seven full-length practice tests. Students will also find:

  • A review of the seven literary elements that form the basis for the test
  • Materials to help strengthen critical reading skills, expand vocabulary, and learn the literary terms
  • Strategies to help you stay focused, overcome distractions and get the most out of the reading selections the first time
  • Puzzles and games designed to increase interest and improve working memory, which research shows can improve reading comprehension test scores

ONLINE PRACTICE TESTS: Students who purchase this book will also get access to two additional full-length online SAT Subject tests in Literature with all questions answered and explained. The online exams can be easily accessed by computer, tablet, and smartphone.

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