SAT Flashcards 4th Edition


SAT Flashcards will help you score higher on the SAT and set yourself apart from the crowd, making your college dreams a reality



SAT Flashcards 4th Edition is an up-to-date, portable flashcard set from Kaplan. The Kaplan team boasts of the test prep experts, and this edition contains 600 essential cards to help you ace the SAT. The SAT is one of the fastest growing and most widely used standardized admissions tests for students applying to college. In 2010, a record-breaking number of students numbering over 1.6 million, took the SAT. As more students apply to college each year, competition for a limited number of class spots increases and schools can be more selective in whom they accept. Kaplan SAT Flashcards will help you score higher on the SAT and set yourself apart from the crowd, making your college dreams a reality. Kaplan SAT Flashcards 4th Edition feature: 600 flashcards covering question types from each section of the SAT: Critical Reading, Writing, and Math Review of key math topics to build foundation skills. Challenging multiple-choice grammar questions. Difficult vocabulary words with sample sentences to help students learn words in context.

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